Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Decision's, decision's. So first off, I'm back to full bore training. The knees are coming back, the legs are pretty much recovered and my brain is back in racer mode. I've also had a chance to reevaluate my race schedule. Why can't organizers ever talk about events and how much overlap there is. Ontario is huge and the summer is long. Why are there so many awesome endurance races back to back. I;ve been really debating about what to do about this month. Lost in the Rocks in Trees is a race I've wanted to do for a long time. It's also a race that I know next to nothing about. It's a small event with maybe 60-70 racers doing the 100km. Now here is the problem. The Hardwood 8 hour is the following weekend. I want to do well at this race.

With the little info I have on the L in the R, it's crazy hill, can turn real nasty and destructive to equipment and if it's wet there is lots of hike a bike sections. This is what has me saying I think I'm going to skip it. If it was 2 weeks before Hardwood I wouldn't even be debating. Lots of time to recover and lots of time to have the bike ready. I'm kinda disappointed. It sounds great. I'm positve I would be pushing things trying to do both races. So this means I have a few weeks of riding with no events. Hmmmm lots of spare time? Probably not.

Today was a day of adventure. This was definitely a ride I wish I'd brought my camera. With the chance of severe thunderstorms I limited on what I wanted to possibly get wrecked. We were hammered earlier in the day with rain making everything muddy. the plan. Avoid pavement!! It was an easy decision on what to ride. Pulled the psycho cross bike off the wall. Headed out on the snowmobile trail. Lets just say that I think it would have been faster riding on snow than this. if it hadn't rained it would have probably been unridable it was so soft. It was still fun. Ok that's when the like deer fly's showed. How the hell can they bite through gloves. I swear these little bastards were on steroids. Let's just say that I drifted the heartrate up way beyond what was scheduled. I had to get the hell out of that section.

It was on to more atv trails. I kept thinking, if a 4 wheeler can go that way I can do it on the bike. hmmm, I think I pushed the cross bike beyond its recommended use. This was when the next stage of the fun began. When is the last time you did a ride and said, I wonder where this goes? Zipping into little single track sections that the kids have cut over the years a short cuts. It was just down right fun. Arm's ripped up from the brush, covered in mud. it was just a play day. The legs felt pretty good. On the few short sections of pavement I was pushing low 30's on cross tires.

Have to big a big congratulations to all from Big Ring Racing. Great results at the B.C. Bike race. Tanya and Kerri kicked some serious ass. Craig and Mark did awesome, obviously Craig had some underlying stress knowing there was a crack in his frame. I can imagine that every time he got bounced on the seat he was waiting to here that evil snap. Glad everything held together.

Time for food and clean up


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