Saturday, March 15, 2008

Indoor riding sucks!!!!!! So I didn't do any today. It was the first official club ride of the season. to bad most bailed or stayed hiding in their houses this morning. An amazing temperature of plus 3. Ya I know that's still cold but it wasn't snowing or minus freeze my body part cold. Of course I was the one to send out the mass email with that great line "Are you riding or hiding"

Of course there are always a few suckers that will cave. Because of the route planned and the crazy amount of sand on the roads it was a mountain bike/cross bike
ride. My agenda had 3 plus hours along with a gym work out so any company was more than welcome. Why play alone if you don't have to.

Dr. Bill was the first to show. Awwww the revenge. All the pain that he inflicts on me, it was pay back time.

Sherrie and Karl were the only other brave souls to roll into the start. Gotta love that husband and wife riding together.

I still think that Sherrie could drop Karl if she wanted to.

It was a great mix of road and gravel, wait I mean muddy roads. The competition for the best rooster tail up the back was won by Karl.

A few little history bits that some 24 hour guys might like. Dr. Bill was involved with the organization of some of the first 24 hour of adrenaline races.
I have a vhs of Dr. Bill on the cover of the 1995 24 hours of Adrenaline. I've yet to see it, I'm getting it converted to dvd as we speak. Who has vhs anymore. Apparently it has a great interview with Ed Hunt who was the first ever 24 hour solo racer. I'm lucky enough to know this guy as he is a local gym owner. For all of you that are addicted to suffering through these events if you ever want to meet some of the culprits I'm more than happy to introduce you.

Dr. Bill can still hammer pretty good considering he doesn't get as much time to train as he would like.

As for me 3.5 hours toaday followed by the gym. Feeling good now. Tomorrow well tomorrow is tomorrow.


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