Monday, May 18, 2009

The Monday Mid Afternoon Something

Well the long weekend weather turned out better than what they predicted. Sweet. Dragged my butt out of bed way to early. Why is it that when you can sleep in you can't and when you have to get up you could sleep for days?

Headed south to meet up with Jeremy and his wife for a good greasy spoon breakfast. It's been a while since I've done that. I have kinda been on a health food kick and for some reason bacon, ham, sausage etc have really not been on the list. After yesterday's race I think I deserved a little crap food in my life. Headed home to relax for a bit before the Monday Night Something which was mildly modified to mid afternoon ride.

This is normally a singlespeed night ride that last about an hour or so. Because of the time change, I think it's more our daylight savings time it was ok'd for gears tonight. No complaints from me. My legs felt pretty good but I also knew who was riding.

The Molly Monster was very happy to be invited to today's play time. As soon as I said the word she was in the car, laid down and slept almost the whole way to the 7/8th line trails. HMMM was she predicting something?

The crew tonight was a little smaller than normal as Andrew was away in Quebec at the Canada Cup. Congrats on 2nd place! Lee was also recovering from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous 24 hour race where their 5 person team took the win again this year. Brendan used some excuse of school to pull the no show.

An interesting thought, Shane basically bounced out of the car when he showed up and never really stopped. My thoughts of a sane ride were slowly fading. The rest of the MNS crew showed up and we headed out into the main grid. It didn't take long till Shane started to attack and pass. WTF???

On one section of the trail I was right on Shane's wheel then I swear I completely left the ground. Once on dirt contact I clued it that I nailed a stump so hard with my right pedal that it lifted me a few inches and unclipped my foot. What the hell?? Still stunned from that I rode right into a tree forcing everyone else have to slam on their brakes before smashing into me. I'm still trying to figure out what happened a few hours later. HMM so much for my technical skills.

SO what happens when you get a bunch of racers together when they have no training regiment for the ride. They hit jumps and make funny noises.

I don't think anyone in the freeride world has to worry to much about any of us cutting into their spotlight anytime soon.


We made our way over to the 7th line grid for another fun loop. Fun as in climbing. As much as my legs felt good I could feel all the climbing in them. Awww the granny gear. I wasn't the only one. Jacob was recovering from a hard ride earlier in the day and was pretty jealous of my 22t. My thoughts of a 2x9 come and go, more go though.

Rolled back to the cars around the 2 hour mark. Part of the MNS has beer involved. Beer helps kill all pain. It was a great ride tonight with Jer, Scott, Ben, Jacob and Shane. A rest day is on the agenda now.

Count down till the Mansfield 8 hour. More on that tomorrow.

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