Saturday, December 22, 2007

And the air was just right for riding.

The art of winter riding. There are defiantly not the same pay offs as in the summer. Downhill is almost as physically demanding. The roads were pretty clear today but it is those stretches of snow/ice packed that have the perfectly placed holes in them that kick you all over the place. It's not to bad at 20-25 km/h but at 40 plus its down right scary. I love descending but this even makes me a hair bit nervous.

It was a great temperature right at the freezing mark so of course I'm going to take advantage of it. Put in an 1.5 hour loop on the way to the gym and this included a couple 10% snow covered climbs. Ya those hurt. 34-27 was the ratio for those and keeping the heart rate in low zone 3 was not an option. There is one thing to be said about outdoor versus indoor training. You can not reproduce a hill on a trainer or rollers. Sorry but you can only get strong at climbing hills by climbing hills.

I was surprised at how quiet the roads were at 9 am considering all the crazy rush for Christmas. I was not complaining. Did a great workout at the gym and the upper body was feeling it at the end. Its really interesting watching most people hit weights. They hammer so fast that momentum is literally doing all the work. I always thought that slower in both directions was always a better method. What do I know I'm just a skinny guy that just rides a bike.

Return trip was the longer way also with a great climb up Ogdens Beach Road. Yes it leads to a beach and no it is not flat. 12 percent at the steepest point. I did get to let'er rip down the other side hitting 63 km/h. I so love coasting. Total of 2.25 hours on the bike today. AWWWWWW

On another note, I'm proud to say that Zig's Appliance Service(my company) is now the newest sponsor of the Midland Tri Club. The club has helped me with more people to train with so I thought it was a great thing to do.

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