Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The countdown

That's right, back on subject and an important one again. The countdown to the official stat of training for the 2010 season. Woo Hoo, sorta. Back to the bike this weekend and I officially start looking at scheduled weeks on November 9th. The slave driver has spoken. We had a great conversation yesterday.

This gives me four more days of doing what ever I want and less than 2 weeks before I start looking at my food intake. I'm just about at my max off season weight gain allowance. I worked really hard to trim myself down to the 155 mark. Considering I started at 168 in the early spring. The plan for this season is to go a little lower, hopefully closer to the 150 mark but I'll do it over a longer period.

So what did I allow myself to go up to, I'm at 158.8 this morning. roughly a gain of one pound a week since the fall 8 hour. Lots of beer, lots of well just lots of everything with very little out put. It's been fun but I know it's not me. The few pounds I've put on will come off very quickly. It's just a simple mind set for wanting to lose weight, fat cyclist goes up the hill slower than a skinny cyclist and since I suck at climbing I can use all the help I can get.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im really your worried your going to develop an eating disorder. with all that 150 talk.