Saturday, April 24, 2010

The things you see

After mildly yelling at myself this morning I rolled out of the house at 7:30 with 3 bottles, some money and a long mellow music play list. I had this route in my head for a while and today was the day I would do it. Of course 7:30 on a Saturday morning is just a stupid time to be getting on a bike, especially when I was leaving a half pot of coffee. It was also borderline cold. Ok, more it was cold at only a few degrees above freezing. Clothing was a tough one since I was going to be out for close to 5 hours and it was going to be warm with in a couple hours.

i dressed to the minimal I could that would get me through the first hour. I was tucking fingering into a fist for the first hour and I was very happy when I hit the long hills along hwy 12 on my way towards Orillia. Less wind chill meant a warm happy me. So the plan was to do the loop around Lake Cochaching along with a few extra miles. The sun was up and I was actually surprised how much traffic was on the road at this time. Who else wasted coffee this morning?? Yes the thoughts of putting it in one of the bottles crossed my mind.

Since I didn't take any pictures because I was lazy and didn't want to stop, I'll just say that the scenery was not to bad. Heading up Rama Road had me heading toward the Casino. I opted to go towards the casino at this time of the day. I would rather deal with eager and awake people going to blow their money than the guy that has been in there all night and lost his mortgage money. I did see a couple swerving cars.

Riding alone can be interesting as you start to pay attention to things that you would never even see if riding in a pack. Mainly signs. A few of the good ones I say today included a safety zone sign that is enforced from January 1 to December 31 and the fines are double. So you have one millisecond between those dates to do something illegal and only get the regular charge??? Sweet, I'll be there.

Of course I happen to go part Dee's Luckiest Smoke Shop in the World. They had a big sign in front promoting cheap illegal cigarettes. Talk about sticking your middle finger up at the MAN. Yes this was on the reserve.

There was also Dan Dan the Chicken Man, I only saw cows. Just shortly after Dan Dan's place was the Pleasure Dome Farm, they had goats, sheep and just about every other far animal that your hillbilly fetish could desire. As tempting as it was to stop I had a tail wind at that point and didn't want to wreck my momentum.

At the 4 hour mark I was rolling into Coldwater, bottles empty and the tank running on reserve. My only stop, ok besides the 5 pee stops, I can't wait till the heat comes back and I start sweating again on rides. A quick bottle top up and a Mars bar jump started my energy which was great because I sent myself up Vasey line to finish off the legs. A few more lefts and rights after the big climb and spin out of the legs on the rail trail had me rolling into my house at 4:40 and 130km.

Spent the rest of the afternoon chilling as much as possible, I do kinda need to ride semi fast tomorrow. Late update tomorrow also as it will be an attempted race report on Ontario Cup number 1. Don't forget that the world cup will be on tomorrow. Hoping they race early enough to watch the whole race before heading off.


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