Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Confusing the body all to hell

The sun was shining, the temperature was wonderful and the things falling from the sky were leaves. Why is this fool out with ski poles??? A little change up from the norm. I'd debated about riding but under a little time restraints and the craving from something different the bikes stayed home.

Those running shoes that are in the shoe rack were considered but my opinion of running still stands and I wouldn't want my opinion to be altered. Plus with the Molly Monster still broken running would just be, besides painful, it would be boring. The shoes stayed were they have been for the last year.

Molly wondering where I had been with out her, she is healing well.

I know it's a bad early thought but I'm looking forward to xc skiing, more so skate skiing. Last year i started to really get into it. Technique is huge but even having the base fitness of moving your legs and swinging your arms in some sort of control without the heart rate spiking, by mid season I was able to actually skate without my eyes crossed. Well this year I thought I'd be a little proactive on the training and pulled out my roller blades and skate poles. Having the best flat trail at the bottom of my yard makes things even easier.

So how did I do? Well there was some balance issues at first, they settled. Then the coordination problems which also started to settle in. Two skate came back pretty quickly, one skate is still in need of work but overall it was a great switch. Did start to get a good rhythm going though and ran down some runner's. I warned them that I was armed with spears and they would best be moving out of my way. There were some dirty looks from another pair of runners, guess they're not ready for the season. Screw 'em.

So how far did I go, not all that far but just far enough to give myself a couple blisters. This was one of the other good preps before the snow really comes. Toughen up that skin a little, tape will help. Roughly 9km, good glide, better than my waxing skills. Yet another skill I started to improve at. I'm looking forward to the skiing, but just not yet. The snow can stay away a little longer.


pg said...

Oh man....

Andy said...

Matt if Havy reads this...

Matt Spak said...

What???? I bet Havy would think it was a great idea

Anonymous said...

Oh My... WTF Spak ? Are those what I think they are ? I used to really enjoy this blog. All Norco Athletes caught reading from now on will receive 2 shin kicks

Kim said...